What job to do with a Bachelor’s degree ?

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Do you want to work in the field of commerce and have an international career? Do you want to join a business school specializing in international careers to achieve this? Are you considering doing yourundergraduate degree, but don’t know what job to do with a Bachelor’s degree ? We enlighten you through this article.

In summary:


  • Obtained in 3 years in a business school specialized in international careers.
  • Offers many opportunities both academically and professionally.
  • Gives access to a large number of evolving professions.
  • Can give you access to an interesting first job related to the specialization of your choice through work-study.

What kind of job can I consider after a Bachelor’s degree ?

When you choose to do a Bachelor’s degree, a large number of jobs are already available to you at the end of your training. During the 3 years that correspond to the duration of the program, you will indeed acquire many skills.

During the first two years of your Bachelor’s degree, the teaching is rather general. It is in the last year of the Bachelor’s program that you choose a specialization. This is then what will define what position you can hold and in what field. It is then a matter of choosing the program you want to follow for your Bachelor’s degree since each of them offers different opportunities.

At ESCE, 5 specializations are offered in the Bachelor’s program:

What are the fields of study covered by a Bachelor’s degree?

The training you receive as part of your Bachelor’s degree allows you to acquire a certain mastery in many areas of study. When you enter a business school specializing in international careers like ESCE, you will also study fields related to business.

These may include finance, law, foreign languages, economics and management. That being said, the teaching is quite general so as to give you a certain versatility at the end of your training. However, you have the opportunity to choose a specialization in yourthird year in order to have a better mastery in a particular field that you are passionate about.

What professional skills can be acquired with a Bachelor’s degree?

By doing a Bachelor’s degree, you normally acquire an excellent foundation for all kinds of positions related to international business. It is also worth mentioning that the Bachelor’s degree almost always involves an internship and sometimes even a work-study program within a company. This is what will give you certain professional skills.

It is generally in the last year of the Bachelor’s program, when you must choose your specialization, that you can do a longer internship and/or a work-study program. The professional skills you accumulate then naturally have more to do with the practice you do in the company.

If you choose to specialize in Marketing and Business Development, for example, you will become more experienced, particularly in sales management and negotiation, and in market analysis.

If you choose to specialize in Corporate Finance, your skills will be focused on other activities. These include cash management, exchange rate risks, and corporate law and taxation.

How to continue your studies at ESCE after a Bachelor’s degree?

You can extend your studies by doing a Master’s degree after your Bachelor’s degree. You have many options at ESCE that you can easily find on the school’s website. Several programs are offered to specialize in International Marketing, Export Management, International Supply Chain & Purchasing, and International Finance, but also in Consulting, Entrepreneurship or Business Engineering.

For additional information, you can go to the FAQ section of the school website and find answers to all your questions.

Updated 20 April 2023