Bachelor Business Development & Digital Marketing

International Bachelor
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Bachelor Business Development & Digital Marketing

Business Development & Digital Marketing – International BACHELOR

It enables students to master the concepts, methods and tools of marketing, particularly digital marketing, and to apply them to marketing strategy and business dynamics.

It also provides a comprehensive overview of the sales process, from prospecting to building customer loyalty in an international context.

  • 100% IN FRENCH


Specific skills developed :

  • Implementing a sales strategy
  • Define a company’s annual action plans
  • Coordinate and implement commercial initiatives in line with the defined strategy
  • Determining the potential of a customer or prospect
  • Develop a portfolio of customers and prospects
  • Design and analyze performance indicators
  • Prospecting new markets
  • Manage digital projects
  • Manage customer experience on the web
  • Know how to integrate the web marketing approach into the strategy and economic dynamics of the company
  • Define and develop a digital marketing strategy
  • Master communication techniques


the subjects taught

  • Client experience
  • Social networks
  • Commercial negotiation
  • Sales management
  • To manage a team
  • Management
  • Market analysis
  • Marketing plan
  • Client experience
  • Social networks
  • Influence marketing
  • Web to store
Master International Business Development

Careers and professional prospects after the Bachelor’s degree

Professional integration offers the possibility of occupying varied positions within companies in all sectors and in all types of companies (SMEs/SMIs and large companies), such as:

  • Business developer
  • Business Development Manager
  • Sales representative
  • Development officer
  • CEO
  • profit centre officer
  • Account Manager
  • Commercial technician


ADMISSION PROCESS and prerequisites

Apply now for the start of the new academic year in September

Step 1: Consult your file online

  • Transcripts from the last 2 years.
  • Diplomas obtained
  • CV and cover letter
  • National identity card
  • Payment of €70 application fee

Step 2: Attend the motivation interview


Tips for a successful application

1 : find out more about the school

Find out more about the course, existing associations and 3rd year specialisations. The idea is to be able to show during the interview that you are interested in ESCE and the Bachelor Programme in particular.

2 : Prepare an introduction

In addition to a formal introduction (who you are, what you’ve done before, why you want to join the school), the introduction should direct the conversation towards what you want to talk about. The purpose of the oral is to get to know you better.

3 : Highlight your extra-curricular projects and hobbies

These are the elements that will make the difference. If you are passionate about an author or a musician, say so. In the same way, promote your projects carried out outside of school. The ESCE values enterprising and committed candidates.

4 : keep up to date with the latest news

Current affairs questions are a way of testing a candidate’s openness to the world. We must pay attention to economic, social, political news and especially to international news.

5 : Look after your non-verbal communication

Look your interlocutors in the eye, stand up straight, smile… in short, pay attention to the image you send back during the interview. Professional attire is recommended.

For international applications*, please contact

*Warning! The international admission procedure only applies to you if you are not a French national and live outside France.


Admissions Bachelor - ESCE
Updated 25 April 2024