DBA International Management in Big Data and Robots

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Boston Dinamics present Spot a multi-purpose robodog at new technology fair Turin Italy September 23rd, 2021

What is the ONLINE dba INTERNATIONAL mANAGEMENT of big data & robots?

The DBA International Management of Big Data & Robot is the highest degree in the world, designed for executives, business leaders and anyone who wants to boost their career and specialize in the field of data and robots.

The 100% online format allows the completion of the program in 2, 3 or 4 years.

The DBA allows you to develop your career by combining the acquisition of academic knowledge and professional experience.

WHY ENROLL IN a Dba in business, data and robots?

The Big data and data analytics solutions and services market is expected to grow at an average of 13% per year by 2025 and with an estimated $216 billion by 2021.

Walmart, Amazon and other tech companies are rolling out drone delivery service. Within 30 minutes, consumers receive their order, right in their backyard.

Airbus is testing a “bird aircraft” whose wings adapt to the wind and collect meteorological data in real time.

In addition to the autonomous cars already on the market, Tesla launches “Optimus”, a humanoid robot.

Amazon has acquired robot vacuum cleaner maker iRobot for about $1.7 billion.

Data and robots are already part of your daily life and their development continues to grow


  1. Hyper flexibility thanks to a 100% online program that adapts to your schedule to fit with your professional and personal life.
  2. Strong face-to-face support with your thesis director and a professor-researcher who will accompany you up to 450 meetings over 3 years.
  3. A program created for working professionals offering the possibility of obtaining the ESCE DBA degree in 2, 3 or 4 years.
  4. No need to know computer science, coding or industry. ESCE’s Online DBA allows you to work on tomorrow’s projects: delivery drones, artificial intelligence, humanoid robots, connected airplane wings, connected objects in BtoB and BtoC, etc.

“The MBA program allows me to understand the influence and power of data and robots on companies and their consumers… I already knew the technical side of data but I am curious to understand its link with the world of Business and Management. Datas and robots are talked about everywhere in the press but never seen in real companies. That’s why I chose to do this MBA.”

Phillippe Paquet, Senior Director, Online Security at Activision

“ESCE’s International Management MBA in Big Data & Robots combines academic and scientific excellence with high-level managerial practices.It addresses management and business issues, related to international business, artificial intelligence, big data and robots. The MBA program was built to allow working executives the freedom to progress at their own pace. Learning and dissertation writing are facilitated by the guidance of distinguished international faculty.”

Dr. Nicolas BARTHE, Academic Director of the ESCE MBA program

“Cultivate digital innovation elites, grasp the trend of industrial intelligence, and create unique personal value.”

Dr. XIAO Jingwei, Director of ESCE DBA (Global Chinese Region)


In addition to the methodology courses, and because the thesis is the most important element of a DBA, students are followed up five times a year by their thesis advisor to ensure that the research is progressing well. Students have access to thousands of scientific, academic, and topical articles in order to have all the keys to the success of their studies.

The DBA program offers, in addition to this coaching, 10 seminars on robots, artificial intelligence, big data, but also on more general topics such as leadership, decision making or predictive marketing, finance, …

In order to ensure a good understanding of the accompanying seminars, the students benefit from a rigorous follow-up by a referent researcher available several days a week to answer all their questions.

Updated 18 March 2024