Which job after a Bachelor in management ?

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Running or maintaining a business in the face of strong competition is not easy. The bachelor’s degree in management allows you to deal with the economic problems of the company. It also allows to manage several departments of a company, such as: marketing, communication or logistics. But many students are still wondering: what is the job after a bachelor’s degree in management? An overview of the different jobs that can be done after a bachelor’s degree in management.

What job can I do after a Bachelor in management ?

There are many jobs you can do after earning a bachelor’s degree in management. It is important to choose the one that interests you the most and that will help you achieve your goals.

Here are some examples of trades:

  • salesperson or a marketing manager;
  • financial advisor;
  • accountant;
  • buyer,
  • in charge of logistics and supply chain,
  • project manager,
  • marketing/communication manager,
  • product manager,
  • financial analyst…

Indeed, having a bachelor’s degree in management allows you to access different sectors of activity in a company. Students are therefore versatile, which is an advantage in their job search.

what job families can be considered after a Bachelor in management ?

The bachelor’s degree in management encompasses various fields. It is a training program designed to give access to positions of responsibility, allowing you to lead teams. In this sense, students can apply in the following areas:

  • business management ;
  • finance ;
  • economy;
  • accounting (accounting and financial management) ;
  • marketing;
  • communication technology ;
  • human resources.

what job to do in business unit management after a Bachelor’s degree in management ?

A bachelor’s degree in management opens the door to many professional opportunities. Trained to lead a team, a bachelor management student is therefore ideally trained to work in sales:

  • business unit management ;
  • business Unit Manager ;
  • Business Unit Supervisor.

what job in international management after a Bachelor in management ?

International management is a field of study that focuses on the management of companies and the individuals who take part in their operation. It’s about understanding how to maximize your organization’s results by controlling its resources and moving them toward a common goal. This can include setting up production lines, hiring staff and training employees.

With ESCE’s Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management, the possibilities for a career in international management are numerous, as there are many types of companies in the world that need experienced managers. The student will have developed skills in: digital marketing, finance, entrepreneurship. He or she may become a market manager, business developer, international buyer, international finance consultant, manager or international strategy consultant.

what job in luxury management after a Bachelor in management ?

The field of luxury management is very challenging. It involves the creation, marketing and distribution of products considered luxurious in nature. These products can be clothing, jewelry, cosmetics or even cars. Some schools offer a Bachelor’s degree in Luxury Management.

The different professions accessible are the following:

  • Brand Manager: manages brands on behalf of clients by identifying their strengths and weaknesses through research, analysis and development. He also ensures that all marketing plans are aligned with the company’s objectives in order to achieve maximum results within budgetary constraints while maintaining brand equity for the period required by the customer;
  • Product development specialist : designs new products based on market trends and requirements while developing new technologies that may not exist elsewhere due to scarcity factors involved in the production phase;
  • Business Analyst: analyzes data collected from various sources such as consumer/customer surveys regarding their preferences for certain items in various fields (clothing, jewelry, perfumes, etc.)

Management is a versatile field with many opportunities. There are many ways to become a manager, for example, by working as an administrator within an organization or as a consultant for French or international companies. The world of management is vast and exciting. But it’s essential to know what type of job or career you want to pursue before going to school.

Updated 24 April 2023