What is the difference between a BTS and a Bachelor?

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The time to choose your post-bac training is approaching and you hesitate between a BTS and a Bachelor? The best solution is to learn about each of these programs. To do so, it is more judicious to focus directly on their differences, in order to reveal their respective singularities. Let’s find out what the difference is between a BTS and a Bachelor’s degree.

In summary:

A BTS and a Bachelor’s degree:

  • Present their main differences regarding the length of the program, the nature of the degree and the future prospects of the students.
  • These are short courses: 2 years for the BTS and 3 years for the Bachelor.
  • Allow for study in many areas, ranging from general to specialized.
  • Open access to a Licence for the BTS and a Master for the Bachelor.
  • Prepare students to find a job quickly upon graduation.
  • They are accessible through a selection of files and/or through a competition.

What is the difference between a BTS and a Bachelor?

First of all, the difference between a BTS and a Bachelor’s degree concerns the duration of the training. Indeed, even if they are short courses, obtaining a BTS is faster than a Bachelor’s degree.

Secondly, the diploma received at the end of the course is a very big difference between a BTS and a Bachelor’s degree for 2 reasons:

  • the nature: the BTS is a national state diploma. On the other hand, the Bachelor’s degree is an RNCP title delivered by the business school without necessarily being approved by the State;
  • the level: to validate a BTS, it is necessary to validate 120 ECTS credits, as opposed to 180 ECTS credits for the Bachelor’s degree. Consequently, the BTS is equivalent to a Bac +2 or a level 5 RNCP title, while a Bachelor’s degree corresponds to a Bac +3 or a level 6 RNCP title.

Finally, the profile of the students who opt for the training courses leads to a difference between a BTS and a Bachelor. Despite the professionalizing nature of the two programs, the BTS attracts students who are looking for a quicker integration into the workforce.

What is the duration of studies for a BTS and a Bachelor?

The length of studies is a difference between a BTS and a Bachelor’s degree. For this reason, a BTS course ends after 2 years of study, while a Bachelor’s degree takes 3 years. This is why the degree obtained is also different. Indeed, it should be remembered that a BTS corresponds only to a Bac +2, whereas a Bachelor’s degree is equivalent to a Bac +3.

What are the different fields of study covered by a BTS and a Bachelor?

The BTS and Bachelor’s degrees are open to many fields of study. However, another difference between a BTS and a Bachelor’s degree is that a BTS has more general areas of study like a BTS in Accounting or Business. On the other hand, a Bachelor’s degree often offers specializations.

In addition to offering an International Bachelor’s degree,ESCE offers 5 specializations in continuing education or apprenticeship. If you want to know more, visit our page and our FAQ section.

What kind of studies should I consider after a BTS or a Bachelor’s degree?

As the BTS corresponds to a Bac +2, you must complete 1 additional year of studies in order to obtain a Licence. Then, you can undertake a Master’s degree if you still wish to continue your studies.

As for the Bachelor’s degree, it gives direct access to a Master’s degree. If your specialization allows it, you can also pursue an MBA or an MSc.

Is it easy to find a job after a BTS or a Bachelor’s degree?

Whether it is a BTS or a Bachelor’s degree, both programs are professional in nature. This is in order to facilitate access to employment. However, the BTS is a faster training that corresponds more to the profile of students who want to directly enter the workforce. Even though the Bachelor’s degree is also intended for this purpose, a good number of students opt for a Master’s degree afterwards.

What are the admission criteria for a BTS and a Bachelor?

The admission criteria for a BTS and a Bachelor are more or less the same. In fact, you can access the program of your choice through a selection of files. In addition, there may be oral and/or written tests. For the Bachelor’s degree in particular, your grades in languages are taken into account. This is because the Bachelor’s degree is more oriented towards an international program.

Updated 20 April 2023