How do I know if a diploma is registered with the RNCP?

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Nowadays, the RNCP-registered courses are becoming more and more important in higher education. Once you have your baccalaureate diploma, you can take a course to obtain an RNCP diploma. However, how do you know if the diploma you are aiming for is registered with the RNCP?

What is the difference between a diploma and an RNCP title?

Even though the diploma and the RNCP title (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles) allow each to exercise a professional activity, they have a slight difference. Discover below the difference between a diploma, a professional qualification and an RNCP title:

The diploma

The diploma is a document issued by a recognized institution of higher education to certify the successful completion of a program of study. It is an advanced academic degree awarded by universities, colleges and other institutions, primarily in the liberal arts and sciences.

It is usually given after three, four and five years of study. In some countries, the word “diploma” is used to refer to an award that allows a person to be admitted to an institution of higher or professional education (such as an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree).

The professional qualification

A professional qualification is a credential conferred by an organization that certifies that individuals have specialized knowledge or skills in a particular discipline or field of activity. It is different from a university degree, although they can be obtained at the same educational level. Professional qualifications are usually awarded by organizations such as professional associations or trade societies.

The certification or the RNCP title

The RNCP title is a certificate that can be obtained by following a program in one or more of the skill areas indicated on the professional skills register. It is issued by the State, especially the Minister of Labor and Employment. It indicates that the holder has the knowledge and skills necessary to practice the trade in which he or she has trained. The advantage of the RNCP diploma is that it is open to all categories of people: graduates, employees, the unemployed.

Is the registration of a diploma in the RNCP a guarantee of quality?

Yes, the registration of a diploma in the RNCP is a guarantee of quality. Possession of a professional designation indicates that you have the necessary qualities and qualifications to undertake an activity. It attests to your skills, both in the trade you are targeting and in the attitudes to adopt in the professional world. The title is a real synonym of professionalization. Recognized, it offers an excellent rate of employability once the studies are completed and allows students to take advantage of numerous job opportunities.

How do I know if the diploma I am preparing is registered with the RNCP?

To find out if the diploma you are preparing is registered with the RNCP, simply go to the space dedicated to professional certification, which is managed by the public institution France Compétences. On the platform, there is a page dedicated to the verification and search for certification. Discover useful information such as job referencing, skills acquired, level of exit, sector of activity and jobs that can be considered with an RNCP diploma.

With just a few clicks, you can find out if your certification or degree is registered.

Are there any equivalences between the state diplomas and the RNCP certifications?

Yes, there are equivalences between the diploma and the RNCP certification:

  • BAC+2: equivalent to a Level 5 RNCP certification (whether it is a BTS, DUT, DE, BM or MOF);
  • BAC+3: Bachelor’s degrees (professional license, bachelor’s degree, DEES) are equivalent to a Level 6 in the RNCP;
  • BAC+4: Master 1 is also the same degree as Level 6;
  • BAC+5 : it is equivalent to the level 7 certification in the RNCP ;
  • Doctorate: it corresponds to a level 8 RNCP certification.

For your information, here are the equivalencies of the other levels of certified titles:

  • Level 2: this is the equivalence of diplomas lower than the BAC (CFG, DNB)
  • Level 3: Level 3 diplomas are also below the BAC (MC, BEP, CAP)
  • Level 4: this level is equivalent to the baccalaureate diploma (DAEU, BT, BTM, FPE, MIMA, BPJEPS, BEES, AMS, TP, BEPECASER).

Is it compulsory to choose a diploma registered with the RNCP?

No, you don’t have to choose a diploma registered with the RNCP. However, titles and certificates have a real advantage. They are also officially recognized throughout the country and can be the subject of correspondence abroad, as well as being the guarantee that the beneficiary is operational in the work sector.

For information: a school is not registered in the RNCP. It offers training leading to a registered or unregistered degree/certification. Please find out if the university or school of your choice offers training leading to a title registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications. Note that some institutions only offer university degrees.
To know if you should choose an RNCP title or a university degree, you must take stock of your objectives. If you wish to continue your studies, the best option would be to opt for a diploma registered with the RNCP.

Updated 19 April 2023