How much does a student earn during a work-study Master’s degree?

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It is difficult to give an exact answer to the question: how much does a student earn during a work-study master’s degree? In fact, the amount allocated to each alternating student depends on several parameters. The courses chosen, the level and the type of company in which a student spends his or her year may be the reason for the increase or decrease in this salary.

What is the salary of a student if he/she follows a Master’s degree in alternation?

A work-study student is considered a full-fledged employee at the company where he or she completes the apprenticeship. Consequently, he has the status of an employee.

The student’s age and level of study are taken into account in determining the amount of salary. Students over 26 years of age generally receive 100% of the SMIC during their work-study master’s degree. Those who are younger than this age get around 1,300 euros.

How is the remuneration of a student in a work-study Master’s program determined?

The details of the remuneration are indicated in the contract that the student has signed with the company where he or she is doing the training. The salary will depend on the terms of the contract and the time the student devotes to the company. However, the law has issued a certain basis to facilitate the calculations.

To adapt to this rule, companies base their salary on the age of the student and the year of the work-study program.

In the case of a student in his first year of work-study, his salary will be 27% of the SMIC if he is under 17 years old. If he or she is between the 18 and 20 bracket, this salary increases to 43% of the minimum wage. If he is between 21 and 25 years old, he earns 53% of the value of the SMIC. And if he is 26 years old or older, he will get 100% of the SMIC. As the work-study year progresses, the salary increases. For example, a student in the third year of a work-study program who is under 17 years of age earns 55% of the applicable minimum wage.

Can the salary of a Master’s student vary according to the work-study contract?

The calculation method mentioned above is a simple basis. However, the salary of a work-study student is not fixed. In fact, the type of contract he or she signs with the company where he or she works can vary his or her salary. Indeed, the pay scales are different, whether it is an apprenticeship contract or a professionalization contract.

In the context of a professionalization contract, for example, increases may occur. It all depends on the diploma the student has and his or her age group. Also, the employer has the right to offer a more favorable salary. In any case, the student who has opted for this type of contract is subject to taxes.

The apprenticeship contract is quite free. Moreover, the calculation is simple since it is enough to apply the rule of the percentages. Also, the alternating apprentice benefits from an exemption on a whole part of his social contribution. However, this exemption is limited to 79% of the minimum wage.

Does a Master’s student earn more than another student during a work-study program?

It all depends on the point of view. A student has every right to earn more than another student based on several parameters. In all cases, the level of study is absent from the list of these parameters. A Bachelor student is therefore entitled to earn as much as a Master student.

Again, the salary depends on the age of the student primarily. Those who are 26 or older, for example, earn 100% of the SMIC and more depending on the type of contract. Another situation concerns those who have several years of work experience. The years of alternation are considered as seniority within the company.

Why do a work-study Master’s degree at ESCE?

A Master’s degree in work-study at ESCE is interesting because it offers several advantages, namely

  • possibility to combine professional experience and academic knowledge:

In a single year, the student obtains both work experience and a degree. This is a considerable time saver, because once the student has graduated, he or she will already be able to present a first professional experience.

  • facilitating professional integration :

Work-study programs are possible at ESCE from the 3rd year onwards. ESCE has special links with companies and facilitates access to employment for its graduates.

Updated 20 April 2023