How to do a Master’s degree in alternation ?

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Are you planning to study for your master’s degree and gain experience in a company at the same time? Did you know that a work-study master’s degree is the best solution? If you are interested in this type of professional training and are wondering how to succeed, we will detail the important points of this program. Learn, in a few lines, how to prepare for a master’s degree in a work-study program.

What does a work-study Master’s program consist of?

In a nutshell, a work-study master’s degree is a professional training program offered by universities and business schools. The program takes place over 2 years and leads to a Bac+5 degree. The difference with a classical training is the learning process.

Indeed, a work-study master’s degree allows students to prepare their degree while working in a company. During the training, the student benefits from his or her status as a student and employee.

He or she may have an apprenticeship or professionalization contract and is paid the minimum wage. This remuneration is defined by the age and specialization of the student.

To be admitted to a work-study master’s program, students must meet the following conditions:

  • have a Bac + 3 or Bac + 4 degree;
  • determine the specialization that corresponds to the sector he/she is considering;
  • present a solid application to the school before the oral interview and pass the Ambitions+ Competition.

How to succeed in a work-study Master?

If you were not on a sandwich course during yourundergraduate studies, you should know that the program requires good preparation and organizational skills.

Since the work-study program combines classes and work hours in the company, it is more prudent to anticipate the 2 years of training.

The student must clearly define his or her professional project. This is to target the positions and companies while combining the missions with his specialization and future profession. This approach allows the student to concentrate on the courses while acquiring professional experience.

A work-study program is synonymous with significant expenses. Between rent, transportation, and food, the student must provide a strong case for receiving a better paycheck. This is calculated according to the age of the student.

At the end of their work-study program, many students are offered a job in their host company.

It should be noted that the grandes écoles and universities offer a work-study program adapted to each specialization, to the needs of students and companies. The latter work in the company, 3 days/week or 2 or 3 weeks/month, depending on the establishment.

How do I apply for a work-study Master’s degree?

Matching your company’s calendar with your school’s back-to-school schedule takes time and preparation. Indeed, the right candidate for a work-study master’s degree must have a solid file and anticipate 6 months to 1 year in advance.

Prepare your application to find your master’s degree

In order to find the right job at the end of your studies, you need to find the master’s degree and the specialty that correspond to you.

Once you have chosen a specialization, you can apply to the right company. Opt for the work-study program that corresponds to the job market, you will have better luck with your work-study application.

Prepare your application to find a work-study program

The choice of company and sector is the next step. This is an important point to accomplish your future profession. Indeed, the tasks in the company must complement the student’s curriculum.

It should be remembered that work-study masters programs can be under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract. The work-study student signs a two-year contract, which covers the entirety of his or her course at the school.

To find a work-study program, you must prepare 6 months in advance. To seduce the company that meets your expectations, a good CV with an excellent cover letter is very important. Think of it as applying for a job, so be prepared for an interview.

Work-study Master’s degree: what is the difference between an apprenticeship contract and a professionalization contract?

A master’s degree in work-study can be done under an apprenticeship contract or a professionalization contract.

An apprenticeship contract allows you to receive between 27% and 100% of the SMIC, the minimum wage for growth. The duration of this contract is limited, between 6 months and 3 years. It can extend to 4 years for a disabled student.

A professionalization contract is a continuous training course leading to a qualification. The duration of the contract is determined, CDD, between 6 and 12 months. Remuneration starts at 55% to 100% of the SMIC depending on the age and specialization of the student.

Is it possible to do a Master’s degree in alternation at ESCE?

Yes, you can start a Master’s degree in alternation at ESCE. This business and management school offers a 4th and 5th year Grande Ecole program.

Admission to ESCE’s specializations is conditional on a baccalaureate +3. Students can choose from the following specializations:

a cycle master in management control / finance.

Updated 20 April 2023