Admissions 1st year – Grande École program

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Grande école program – 1st year, Your admission procedure :

To participate in the Grande Ecole Program, you must have obtained or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in France or abroad ?

You have obtained or are in the process of obtaining a foreign baccalaureate. For international applications?

prerequisites for admission to the1st year of the grande école program

  • Post-Bac admission procedures: Parcoursup, SESAME competition
  • Subject to obtaining the baccalauréat and passing the Concours SESAME for students in Terminale (in the French system) who wish to enter ESCE’s Grande École program.
  • By title, for holders of a foreign diploma equivalent to the baccalaureate
    – Follow the international admissions procedure for more information

1st step: Preparation for the SESAME Competition from Monday October 2 to Monday April 15

Prepare for the SESAME exam with prepaSESAME and the Concours SESAME mobile application

  • January 17 to March 14: I activate my account on mySESAME

This reserved space allows you to :

swap their language choices for the written tests

– download documents (time arrangements, invitation to tests, etc.)

– check and obtain a summary of SESAME school/program applications

– consult their marks for written tests, file notes and oral tests

– make their appointments for the oral tests

  • March 28 to April 11: download and print your invitation on mySESAME
  • Wednesday, March 27, 2024: I take the mandatory prerequisite test on TestWe

2nd step: I discover Parcoursup from December 20, 2023 to January 16, 2024

From December 20, 2023, you can discover all the courses on Parcoursup thanks to the updated search engine.

3rd step: Registration on Parcoursup from January 17 to March 14, 2024

  • Formulate your wishes on Parcoursup
  • On Parcoursup, choose the SESAME competition and select ESCE International Business School. You can choose one or more of the 3 Cursus options (no extra charge):
    1. International Business curriculum,
    2. International Political Science curriculum,
    3. Cursus Expert America/Asia/Europe.

You can choose these 3 courses in Paris and/or Lyon.

Once you have made your wishes on Parcoursup, activate your mySESAME account and visit the SESAME Competition website.

4th step: Confirmation of wishes until April 3, 2024

  • Confirm your SESAME wish list and ESCE sub-wishes on Parcoursup

5th step: Written tests of the SESAME competition on April 15, 2024

The day is divided into 2 parts:

  • Morning
  • 8.30am – 10.00am: Sequence 1 – “Understanding“, max. duration. 1h30
    Contemporary issues: 40 questions – max. length. 30 min.
    Mathematics: 20 exercises – max. 40 min.
    Digital skills: 20 questions – max. duration. 20 min.
  • 10:30 – 12:00: Sequence 2 – “Communicating“, max. duration 1h30
    French: 40 questions – max. 30 min.
    English * : 40 questions – max. 30 min.
    Other foreign language: 40 questions – max. duration. 30 min.

* compulsory among 2 foreign languages

  • Afternoon
  • 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm: Sequence 3 – “Analyze“, max. duration. 2h
    Literature review – 20 questions :
    – 6 locating questions
    – 6 analysis questions
    – 8 summary questions

6th Step: Eligibility results and appointment booking from April 26 to April 28, 2024

  • April 26, 6 p.m.: Log on to the mySESAME website to find out your eligibility results
  • April 26 – April 28: Log on to the mySESAME website to book your appointment for the ESCE oral exam.

7th step: Oral admissions from April 29 to May 18, 2024

You can take the orals on either the Paris or Lyon campus (depending on your choice of campus). It is only possible to take the oral exam remotely if you live outside mainland France.

The oral test consists of an individual interview.

8th step: Admission results: MAY 30

On April 26, 2022 in the afternoon, you can log on to the Parcoursup website to find out your results.

Your grades will be listed on mySESAME.

9th step: Choose ESCE

As soon as the results are announced on the Parcoursup site, choose ESCE, and within 24 hours you will receive a link to finalize your registration on the ESCE site and confirm your registration by paying the deposit.

Thursday May 30: start of the main Parcoursup admission phase.

written tests

The SESAME written exams take place over a single day. For the 2024 session, this day is set for Monday April 15, 2024 for all candidates regardless of their place of residence (metropolitan France, outside mainland France and international).

Please note: the competition does not offer a make-up session, regardless of the nature of the candidate’s absence.

The 1-day schedule

The day is divided into 2 parts:

  • Morning
  • 8.30am – 10.00am: Sequence 1 – “Understanding“, max. duration. 1h30
    Contemporary issues: 40 questions – max. length. 30 min.
    Mathematics: 20 exercises – max. 40 min.
    Digital skills: 20 questions – max. duration. 20 min.
  • 10:30 – 12:00: Sequence 2 – “Communicating“, max. duration 1h30
    French: 40 questions – max. 30 min.
    English * : 40 questions – max. 30 min.
    Other foreign language: 40 questions – max. duration. 30 min.

* compulsory among 2 foreign languages

  • Afternoon
  • 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm: Sequence 3 – “Analyze“, max. duration. 2h
    Literature review – 20 questions :
    – 6 locating questions
    – 6 analysis questions
    – 8 summary questions

Remote written exams

The written tests for the SESAME competition are held remotely from the candidate’s home. Semi-offline mode allows all candidates to take their tests even if there is a connection failure during one or more tests. The data (copies) are stored on a server, enabling them to be retrieved if necessary.

The software solution used by candidates to take the written tests remotely includes a monitoring system, so the computer must be equipped with an internal or external camera and microphone.

Candidates must follow the instructions given in the guides available on and mySESAME (open from January) toavoid being suspected of attempted fraud and subject to sanctions.

The equipment needed on the day of the tests

  • A computer with an Internet connection:
    • Personal computer PC (Windows versions Windows 10 and higher) or Mac (Mac OS X versions 10.13 and higher)
    • Minimum 4GB RAM (8 recommended)
    • 1GB free hard disk space
    • Built-in or external webcam
    • Built-in or external microphone
    • Wired or WIFI Internet connection
  • Equipment not authorized :
    • Dictionary
    • Connected object: watch, etc.

Your cell phone must be switched off throughout the tests and kept out of reach.

To do before the tests :

  • Technical prerequisites:

Before taking the tests for the Grande Ecole program, you must complete the technical prerequisites on Wednesday March 27, 2024 in order to know if your equipment works correctly and is compatible with the specifications described above. An e-mail containing a download link for the application used to take the tests will be sent to you a few days beforehand.

  • Print test invitation

To take the written tests for the SESAME competitive entrance examination, you need to download and print out your invitation to attend from your mySESAME reserved area (opening January 17, 2024), where your personal details are recorded.

This document includes :

  • Your contact details and candidate number
  • Timetable for each event
  • The day before the tests, check that you have the following items:
  • identity papers (ID card, passport or driving license)
  • your invitation
  • an unconnected watch (your cell phone must be switched off and out of range)

To do on the day of the tests :

On the day of the tests, you must isolate yourself in a closed room (bedroom, office), and your workspace must be free of all documents, with the exception of a valid identity card.

You must be logged in one hour before the time indicated on your invitation to check that your equipment and connection are working properly.

Find out more about the golden rules for written tests here

If you have any further questions, please consult our FAQ or contact us.

Download the rules of the SESAME 2024 Competition


Prepare your oral

Through the oral exam (coefficient 35), ESCE seeks to get to know you, your background and your career plans.

20 minutes of preparation

You will have 20 minutes to prepare before your oral.

Set aside 10 minutes to fill in your personal file, which will be used to present yourself to the jury: your background, your experience, your passions, your career plan…
Use the remaining 10 minutes to organize your ideas on the international news topic you’ve chosen. International economic, geopolitical or environmental news. We don’t expect a powerpoint or a presentation learned by heart, but rather that you’ve thought about a topical international issue and can discuss it with the jury.

20 minutes of individual interview

The interview takes place in front of a two-person jury: a jury chairman (a professor or member of management) and a graduate of the school or a professional from a partner company. The interview is conducted in French.

Then, in just a few minutes, you’ll present your ideas on the international current affairs topic you’ve chosen (economic, geopolitical, environmental). The jury will discuss this with you.

Jury members want to understand what motivates you to join ESCE Paris or Lyon. It’s important to have thought beforehand about the experiences that enhance your personality, your project, your tastes and your aspirations. Think about a career plan that is consistent with the school, your experience and your ambitions.

Set aside 10 minutes to fill in your personal file, which will be used to present yourself to the jury: your background, your experience, your passions, your career plan…
Use the remaining 10 minutes to organize your ideas on the international news topic you’ve chosen. International economic, geopolitical or environmental news. We don’t expect a powerpoint or a presentation learned by heart, but rather that you’ve thought about a topical international issue and can discuss it with the jury.

Take part in the ESCE Open Days and meet the teachers, administrative teams and our students from the Grande école Program.
Don’t forget to mention this on the day of the interview, as it will demonstrate your commitment and motivation to join the school.

Also find out about the school’s programs and explain how they can help you achieve your goals.

Tips for a successful oral presentation


Preparation advice: train between 30 min and 1 hour per week to test yourself on exercises of the SESAME competition type.

Register on (100 euros credited when you pay the 295 euro registration fee on Parcoursup in January)

1st year Grande Ecole program - ESCE students

a question?


Post-Bac Grande Ecole Program Admissions Manager

I was a little apprehensive about the tests, but the preparation training offered by ESCE helped me a lot to pass the written and oral exams.


Étudiante en 4ème année

Discover the Grande École Program


Étudiants ESCE
Updated 26 June 2024